Thursday 1 May 2014

FMP Week 3 : Studio Day 1

Recording aerosol spray during experimentation recordings used for an idea.

Recording the washing machine, also experimental.

Preliminary idea, inspired by Family Guy.

Studio Day 1 Evaluation :

Today I have already created multiple ideas, using many inspirations, references and using different means (film) and genres of portrayal. I believe this is important as it improves my versatility and takes me out of my comfort zone. I have shown a tendency in the past to create work that is seen as dark and very serious, which I believe is my style, but I have been keen to explore comedy and other lights of portrayal for issues within story. I am still searching for a strong idea. Today is successful and I am happy with my progress thus far. I also re-watched 'The Village' to refresh my memory for a certain idea. After watching the film I began recording household sounds for experimental purposes, inspired by 'The Village' in its use of eerie, ghostly sounds used to illustrate tension.

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