Monday 19 May 2014

FMP Week 5 : Studio Day 2

Still shot from experimental film idea: 'Paranoia'.

Tape delay added to vocal, for eerie effect.

'Party' idea reference : inspired by Party scene from movie '21 Jump Street'

Studio Day 2 Evaluation:

Today I worked on 3 ideas. I developed my metamorphosis piece further with some editing, as well as filming some test shots for an idea I created entitled 'Paranoia'. I also created a 'Party' scene which is inspired by movie '21 Jump Street' and the most light hearted of the 3. I enjoyed working on Metamorphosis and Paranoia, being more excited with Metamorphosis as I have already gained a working stride. By my 3rd studio day I intend to make a commitment to only 1 idea but wanted to fully utilize my added idea generation week. This week is proving to me so far that I have made the right decision in extending my idea generation period within my FMP.

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