Monday 19 May 2014

FMP Week 5: Studio Day 3

Recording Hoover to manipulate and use within new idea fusion

Breakdown of plan for 'Cerebro & The Blues'.

Cerebro & The Blues reference: Roadrunner

Studio Day 3 Evaluation:

Today I created another strong idea, 'Cerebro & The Blues'. Cerebro, the cool walking and talking brain who is constantly plagued by the blues (gang of negativity). Cerebro engages in chase scenes with the blues and eventually prevails. I love this idea, its strong, has great metaphor and character use. However, I believe my strongest idea would be my decision to merge my hypnosis idea with my metamorphosis idea. I also recorded some sounds to manipulate in my editing phase for my main idea. I am happy with this extra week and I am glad I had the confidence to deviate from my original plan. As of next week I will be fully comitted to my final idea.

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