Monday 19 May 2014

FMP Final Statement

FMP Final Statement:

Throughout my entire process I was faced with much adversity but managed to overcome all that was thrown at me. I enjoyed the research period, gained numerous thought processes of explanation for anxiety and fear of failure, whether it be scientific, literal or spiritual. I created many ideas, but in all honesty was unhappy with the majority of ideas I created. This may be the case with many people but I was very unhappy, perhaps this could've been changed if my research methods were different. I felt armed with knowledge and had many idea executions at my disposal, I knew HOW I would execute something more than what it was actually about with a lot of ideas. I believe this is due to my pragmatic nature. The great change I made was my idea generation phase extension, it was actually essential as I would not create a piece that I was not entirely happy with conceptually. I believe my final piece is full of layers of meaning and metaphor. I feel my story has been executed well. During my editing process I encountered the problem of my piece being 45 seconds too long and had to remove a great chunk of my sound piece before finalizing the order of all of my sounds. Overall I believe my project has been a great success. I believe it could've been better however, as there were things that could've been improved. My idea generation could've been better as could've my story development with my previous ideas. I also believe my overall audio quality could've been better. This could've been changed if I had used better equipment and had a better sense of distance management while recording. I believe I have layered, EQ'd, levelled & mixed my final piece to a high standard, but this could've been improved with better resources (a new laptop with higher capabilities when using demanding software). As previously mentioned I am very happy. Next time however I would use better equipment and brush up on my recording techniques. I am also happy with my time management within this project, as that has been a big personal issue over this course.

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