Saturday 3 May 2014

FMP Week 5: Studio Day 1

Soundtrack recording for 'Metamorphosis' idea

Idea breakdown of 'metamorphosis'

Hypnosis Idea - fused with metamorphosis as my next plan,
Hypnosis idea reference : inspired by this hypnosis scene from movie 'Insidious'.

Studio Day 1:
This week I changed my FMP plan and extended my idea generation period by 1 week, leaving 2 weeks to create my final piece afterward. Today I created a strong idea named 'metamorphosis' a piece of sound art containing music about a plight against demons (anxiety).  I then decided to merge 2 of my ideas together to create an even stronger idea. I am enjoying the process and I am still glad I extended my idea generation phase, as I would not have come to this conclusion had I followed my original plan. I am still going to push for further ideas before I make my final decision.

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