Monday 19 May 2014

FMP Week 6: Studio Day 3

Plugin experimentation -  using tremolo on a track to disorientate the audience. Possibly to be used on another effect.

dding spreader to track, creating a fantasy-like chime within the bells used within the track

Adding reverb to the track to give the cave-like echo desired for my piece.

Studio Day 3 :

Today I experimented with effects I could use to create confusion. I aim for this soundpiece to have cavern-like acoustics within a persons internal, like a mental labyrinth. I have been choosing effects where I see fit before I add all the other tracks and create my entire piece. It may be unorthodox to work backwards but I find it time efficient as I had this piece finished before I gathered all of my fresher sounds. I look forward to finishing this piece in good time during next week.

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