Monday 19 May 2014

FMP Week 1: Studio Day 2

Further secondary research - a monster named anxiety by Toby Allen. This imagery is very clever with its use of metaphor along with  factual information about Anxiety. Giving me further ideas to create a character myself.

Another image by Toby Allen, Social Anxiety - related to anxiety but paler in comparison due to seclusion to the outside world. Inspirational for me both conceptually and visually.

During further secondary research, I found this image. This inspired me and gave me a concept of a future world where emotion can be switched off or on in a robotic way. This is an interesting paradox and simple but effective use of metaphor. This image alone has enabled me to grab some potential ideas for my final piece.

'Uncle' - the BBC3 comedy series that I watched in it's entirety for secondary research. I found this interesting and applicable as the series explores depression with Uncle Andy being the sufferer and also Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which Errol deals with in the episodes.

Studio Day 2 Evaluation : 

Today I conducted further secondary research, I watched the entire BBC Three series 'Uncle' as well as organising an interview with my friend who suffers from GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and also endures panic attacks. Within this interview I aim to get an insight into the physical sensations involved within a panic attack and general anxiety, to gain an alternative explanation as well as just my own. 'Uncle' was relevant and extremely useful to me as it's comedic tone still tackled neurotic issues such as Depression and OCD (Obsessive Compuslive Disorder). The portrayal of serious issues in a comedic light is a perfect blend and has shown me that there are ways to address serious issues in a light hearted and entertaining manner, still preserving the realism and without undermining the issues themselves. I have also found further images that have inspired me which I have subsequently stuck into my sketchbook and annotated for future use. I am enjoying the process and want to remain very much a blank canvas, open to taking my final piece in any given direction.

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