Monday 19 May 2014

FMP Week 3: Studio Day 2

Further research on Cannabis and anxiety, with a story idea spawning from it.

Storyboard for an early idea, where a student fears failure with his upcoming exam, goes on a night out to calm his nerves, subsequently ends up severely hungover and misses his exam.

Abstract sketch & character generation, to accompany an alternate story idea.

Studio Day 2 Evaluation:

Today I have created further ideas, with storyboard and also a sketch for an alternate idea. Although I have been creating numerous ideas I haven't totally been happy with one in particular. I feel like I am currently creating a lot of mediocre or substandard ideas. I am grateful of the fact that time is on my side however, and I am on task in terms of my output. I just feel like I am lacking the cutting edge idea currently and will know when I have my idea. I must push on for now.

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