Monday 19 May 2014

FMP Week 2: Studio Day 3

'Robot 60' with holes cut in for enhanced audibility.

Rear base of robot, 2 speakers installed.

'Robot 60' Created by Louis - before installation of speakers.

Studio Day 3 Evaluation:

Today we presented our collaborative pieces. At the beginning of the week I first thought we would struggle to find common ground but after suggesting we all write our FMP concepts on a big A3 sheet of paper we soon found links and decided to create a piece on the 'Fear of the mundane'. This was a strong choice as it was relatable for all of us, as well as incorporating our FMPs together; everybody was also able to work within their respective fields and contribute to our piece overall. I believe we had the best group balance and the process was a fair one. Today we had a problem that the projector wasn't working, so unfortunately we were unable to project the girls' graphics on the background of the robot but all was not lost as they still had posters and were able to show their work on the laptop. I created a monologue & Soundpiece to accompany the robot, using my logic software after recording the Atmos individually and layering sounds together.  I also created a clock noise by striking a chest of drawers with the base of a pen and manipulated it well (in my opinion) I also recorded the monologue myself after writing the script when briefed by Louis, who based the robot on a character he created for his FMP.  I believe I gathered some clean recordings, but am not entirely satsified as the noise from the big room space prevented my piece from being heard and understood fully. We gained good praise and feedback from Lydia and Andrew, and I believe our group excelled very quickly and were very professional in conducting our individual roles, thus complimenting each other. This task marks a huge progress for myself, as my level of efficiency has increased hugely since the beginning of the course subsequently making me feel more comfortable working within our smallest time frame given to date. I am also keen to continue with my FMP and I am very comfortable with the research I have conducted, from primary to secondary, a plethora of books, films, articles, images and interviews to play with. I look forward to my first week of idea generation next.

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