Monday 19 May 2014

FMP Week 2: Studio Day 2

Office- based phobias, created by Anissa & Robyn.

Poster on Office-based Phobias, created by Anissa & Robyn.

Studio Day 2 Evaluation:

Today I conducted an interview with another anxiety sufferer, a friend who believe his anxiety was triggered by long term cannabis use which would be an interesting situation to explore as it is not only relevant to my project, but to myself personally. Anissa & Kate began working on visuals to accpmpany our installation piece, which I believe were executed well. We spoke further about nailing our concept down to a singular notion, rather than the 4 different fears we initially came up with as suggested by Seb. I believe this project is getting in the way of my FMP and I feel frustrated. I have also read further for secondary resarch, with my academic A2 Psychology book to gain further scientific explanation of the bodily processes involved within anxiety. I am very much interested in internal struggle at this point, but Deepak Chopra's book also completely changed my outlook on the fear of failure and anxiety. Deepak's book is about a beings' spirituality, and how these issues are to do with the soul/spirit whereas The Linden Method and the A2 Psychology book offer you explanations through Science. I believe neither are wrong and right and both theories can exist together, this only has bolstered my knowledge and given me more options. I am eager to get this collaborative project out of the way so I can focus solely on my FMP. I have not enjoyed this week so far.

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