Monday 19 May 2014

FMP Week 4: Studio Day 3

Mid-shot - 'Anxious Me' seen in the background out of focus.

Self-medication depicted within my 'Anxious Me' experimental film.

Another shot from 'Anxious Me' the lack of focus and dark background sets the cold and mysterious tone for my film.

My friend Danielle portraying the 'Anxious Me' a metaphor for a parallel character of myself.

Studio Day 3 Evaluation:

This week I created some very strong ideas, most notably with my idea entitled 'My Bad Side/Anxious Me'. This idea was created by myself, illustrating my anxieties by using metaphor. The metaphor involved was a friend who would be barely visible in shot, as she is a figment of my mind only. The purpose she serves within the film is that of a parallel of myself and the representative of my anxiety. Within the film the shots change from myself to my 'anxious me' as she mirrors my actions. I largely try to ignore her as she mimics my moves and I cannot get rid of her. Another way she is used as a metaphor is due to my idea that anxiety is a stalker, and follows you everywhere. I filmed everything myself with a Canon 550D and recorded with my Olympus digital recorder to get my sound and atmos. I am enjoying the process further, and am reluctant to start on a final piece as I have another strong idea brewing. I believe instead of my previously planned 3 designated weeks for my final piece, I will extend my idea generation period so I can continue working and creating more compelling ideas. Not to be mistaken however, I am happy with this idea but do not wish to simply settle.

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