Thursday 1 May 2014

FMP Week 4: Studio Day 1

Recording the rain being caught in the gutter - experimental for my  idea when using water as metaphor for anxiety.

An idea given to me by a real life occurance, an idea where the audience is given a POV insight to footballer Mesut Ozil's mind as he runs up to take a penalty kick he missed. Amid the scrutiny and criticism he has recieved since his move, his confidence has no doubt been affected by negativity. I therefore thought it would be a good idea to illustrate his fear of failure and how it can make you fail in a high pressure situation.

"Convos with a shrink" - Another idea given to me inspired by Louis CK's show 'Louie".

Studio Day 1 Evaluation:

Today I created multiple strong ideas, as well as recording experimental sounds after aiming to use water as a metaphor for consciousness/negativity. I created a strong penalty kick idea which was probably inspired by my very first pieces I created from being on the course, when I created a journey of a footballer walking from the dressing room out to the tunnel. This idea however is a recreation of Mesut Ozil's infamous Bayern Munich penalty miss, which I could illustrate was due to his fear of failure amid the criticism he was enduring at the time. I also created 2 very strong ideas around hypnosis, inspired by 'Antichrist' & 'Insidious' which I may come back to for development after further ideas are created. I also created 2 ideas based on conversation with a psychologist. The latter ideas are intended to be comedic, where the first 2 are more thriller/horror. I am much happier with my progress today but I am considering extending my idea generation period for a week. I feel I am more than capable of finalising my final piece within 2 weeks rather than 3 weeks.

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