Saturday 7 September 2013

Project: Memories Of The Week

 My piece based on my memories of the week. I placed my piece under a stool in a corner of the prototype room on the 9th floor next to the copier/printer. I placed my piece here as it ties in with my thoughts and my general feeling of reclusiveness due to my emotional change during the week.

 Photo 2 of my MOTW- piece, from a slightly different angle.

 Photo 3 of MOTW piece- A closer view of the piece, in another room but this time in the corner, again illustrating the emotions of reclusiveness and the yearn for obscurity.

 Photo 4 of MOTW piece- My piece is a timeline consisting of my memories from the week. They are stacked up like a tree timeline but placed in order of importance, the most important being at the top.

 Mezut Ozil photo - bottom of the timeline. - I placed this photograph upside down and at the bottom of the timeline to signify that this week my leisure time and casual interests have been turned upside down due to how hectic the week has been.
 Ultimate Team Screenshot - The bottom of the Mezut Ozil photograph is attached to a screen shot of my ultimate team gameplay. This again signifies a memory of me playing Fifa, but it is also upside down as I have had very little time to do something so leisurely.

 Kettle Bell photograph - A photograph I recieved from my friend who is studying his second university year in New Mexico while training at one of the world's top MMA gyms. This photograph reminds me of the moment he was showing me the facilities he is working with while also reminds me I have lost my way with my exercise schedule recently.

Funeral Day Photograph - This photograph is of me and various family members after the funeral of my grandmother which took place on Tuesday. Due to my attendance I was unable to attend the V&A or the Serpentine and will have to do so in my spare time. This photograph is placed at the top as family is the highest memory of importance to me in this timeline. I also created tears in the photograph to signify the damage a family loss can do to a family.

 Photograph Of The Burial -  Documentation of my burial process for the previous memory project.

Photo Of Channel Orange artwork - A photograph of the artwork for Frank Ocean's Channel Orange album. This artwork gives the memory of listening to this on my iphone with the artwork present on the playlist. I also drew a question mark on the photograph to signify my current loss of inspiration.

Evaluation Summary:

For our task on Friday 06/09/13 we were instructed to create a timeline with 10 images we had captured from our present week. A lot of people took photographs from their visits to the exhibitions that happened on Tuesday and I had missed attending the exhibitions due to having to attend my grandmothers funeral. Because of this reason I immediately felt at a disadvantage. Regardless, I still managed to create a timeline consisting of 6 photographic images and bound together. I glued the photographs together and placed them together like a tree timeline, but put my ideas in order of importance. I put rips in some of the photographs and deliberately creased the paper to signify my feeling of confusion and pain in an emotional circumstance. From this task I learned of various types of Timelines and work made by artists. I enjoyed this project and believe I did well, my only criticism would be that I didn't manage to use 10 items. I am unhappy with the fact that I was unable to print my screenshot of a logic session file due to a printing error. I am happy with the fact that I felt disadvantaged I still managed to create a timeline I was happy with due to the layers of meaning in each of my decisions.

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