Saturday 7 September 2013

Memory Project: The Burial

 The mixtape. Freshly wrapped, and ready for burial. I placed the item straight into the large clear bag provided by Chris and Seb. I then shuffled the item into the corner and folded it over multiple times.

Wrapped item photo 2. In the same state as in photo one, but with improved clarity.

 Plot for burial, in the garden area of the studio complex the mixtape was recorded in. (Ladbroke Grove)

   Mixtape placed on burial plot. Garden trowel in shot, my chosen tool for the job.

 The start of the burial. The item becoming submerged by the soil.

 Early burial stage - more soil piling on top of the item and submerging it further, the item is becoming less visible at this point.
 Progressive burial stage. A snapshot taken during the earlier burial stages demonstrating the item being almost completely covered by the soil.

 Final burial stages, pushing the soil down and evening it out leaving a flat, compact surface. This was a rather shallow burial.

 A second snapshot of the final burial stages in motion. Flattening the surface with the garden trowel.

 The end of the burial stage. There is still a noticable mound of soil evident within the photograph.

Final photograph of the completed burial stage. Garden trowel used also in shot.

You can also find a link to my audio piece documenting the burial HERE:

Evaluation Summary:

For our project we were assigned the task of gathering 10 items/photographs representative of memories for us with the intention of burying them as time capsules with the provision of them being dug back up a decade later. I found it particularly challenging to find 10 items/photographs that would be disposable and relevant for such a task and found that I felt like I was reaching for items,using poorer choices that I found myself reluctantly justifying. As a result of this I spoke to Chris and asked him if I could just choose the 1 idea that I found particularly significant above my others. I was told I was able to do so and made my decision instantly. I chose to bury my mixtape which marks a milestone of achievement, and is also reflective of my character and brings me back numerous memories of the creation process with the underlying endeavours that were going on simultaneously.After research and some brain storming I decided to give the item an unmarked burial, with a bare ceremony of few words repeated. In hindsight I could've made the burial less shallow, but the process was done well all the same. I have documented the process with photographs seen above and have also created an audio piece depicting the burial, as I also documented the burial via audio with a combination of narration and monologue. I then manipulated the audio in Logic. I edited the burial process and shortened it, ensuring the listeners can maintain attention as burials can be a lengthy process. I merged my monologue/narration with the audio of the burial and have added various sound effects to manipulate the mood of the situation with intention of it sounding cold, empty and eerie. In my research I learned of many different burial types and various beliefs on the body after death. I also learned of significance of location and the relevance and importance held within rituals involving burial processes. The Tibetan Sky burial in particular took my interest.
 Overall, I enjoyed this project, my only criticism of myself is in my reluctance to share personal feelings, I was initially taken aback by the intimacy of the project.

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