Introductory synopsis in opening scene. |
Sky-high view of the city, buildings look futuristic and also sinister. |
The first view of a replicant within the film. Shocking scene with impact for the audience. |
Visually beautiful depiction of the futuristic city, the blue is a calm and relaxing tone. Flying vehicles, many new concepts for the audience to behold. |
First view of the Roy Batty, leader of the renegade Nexus-6 replicants. Shadowing on his face creates a sinister mood. |
Los Angeles 2019 looks more like a futuristic times square. Amusing Coca Cola product placement. |
Shot of the "Voight-Kampff' machine. Used as an interrogation tool on suspected replicants, where their retina activity is monitored during questioning to measure empathy. An interesting concept |
Racheal, also a replicant was the latest experiment of Eldon Tyrell. She has his niece's memories implanted and previously had no idea that she wasn't human. |
Roy tracks down his creator, Eldon Tyrell and kills him. Shocking scene, the thumbs in the eyes are sure to grab a reaction from the audience. |
In pursuit of special agent Rick Deckhard, Roy smashes his head entirely through a wall. He looks menacing, an alarming image along with the darkness in the room. |
During our introductory week, our class was shown the 1983 Sci-Fi/Thriller Bladerunner, as it is relevant to our subject of memory. I initially missed this and caught up in my own time. Bladerunner tells the story of special agent Rick Deckhard on his latest assignment to find and "retire" (kill) a rogue set of human-looking robots (most people couldn't seem to tell the difference) that were created to be 'off-world' colonization slaves and were illegal on earth. Deckhard is introduced to Eldon Tyrell (creator of said replicants) who subsequently introduces him to his latest experiment Rachael. Eldon Tyrell invites him to try his 'Voight-Kampff' (interrogation machine) and see how long it took him to detect that she wasn't human. It later emerged that she didn't know that she was a replicant prior to meeting Deckhard. Rachael had the memories of Tyrell's niece implanted into her which interested me. I found this concept interesting as it is actually something I have pondered about many times before; technlogy and it's advancing speed, newer types of transplants that may be possible etc. I found the concept interesting as it prompts you to think about how deceptive memory can also be. False or fake memories fabricated by the brain are not uncommon and the idea of actual memory transplants is very interesting. I am also impressed by the cinematography within the film, and how sleek and smooth the frames are given the age of the film.
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