Friday 13 September 2013

A Week's Work

Test shot of my egg from the classroom. I was exploring my camera and using manual focus, playing with the ISO and Shutter Speed.

 Egg shot outdoors, near Ravensbourne. Using a silver light reflector.

 Egg shot with silver light reflector. Still tweaking my manual focus.

 Outdoor shot, egg in hand. Clear signs of wear and tear showing on the egg.

 Shot from underneath a tree, a change of light souree

 Shot from underneath a tree 2.ISO change. Test shots

Studio Shots using Tungsten lights. Egg was placed on the table, we worked as a group and shot the egg from different angles and changing light locations.

 Studio Shot - Tungsten light, with a new egg. Depicting a murder scene as the group task

 Studio Shot - murder scene, angle 2

 Studio Shot, Idea 3 - Attempting to illustrate the egg equivalent of a car crash. Not a success.

Weekly Evaluation:

This week we were introduced to photography. We were given lectures by Amanda and Tom and were educated on the various aspects, uses and the history of photography. We were also shown how to use our digital cameras manually and manipulate the shutter speed, the ISO and manual focus. We then formed into groups to take test shots using various light sources. I took photographs using a reflector, a diffuser, in daylight and in studio using Tungsten lights also. While we were in the studio using the Tungsten lights, we were formed into groups beforehand and began creating as many different shots with our egg(s) expressing as many different moods and emotions as we could. Our group generated some substantial ideas and we ended up choosing the idea of using the egg carton as a bed, with 2 eggs inside with tissue as the covers, placing a red gel sheet over the camera, creating a scene for the red light district. Although I found it difficult at first I began to enjoy generating ideas for this task. With the studio shots I began gathering ideas for my project already. I found it hard initially controlling the camera using manual focus as I found it difficult at times to see how truly sharp the subject was due to my poor eyesight. I generally found it difficult to use the camera manually at first but reading the manual soon helped me adjust smoothly.

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