Saturday 21 September 2013

Photography Project : Part 2 of 2

 Photograph of Crit in session.

 Test shot for final image & further contact sheets.

 More contact sheets from the process involving my final photograph.

 Final image during manipulation process within Adobe Photoshop Software.

Final image with layers and changes displayed.

 Resizing image for test prints as per the brief.

 Photo ready for test print. Levels, brightness and contrast manipulated beforehand.

 Other image from last week being edited in Adobe Photoshop.

Error while printing during test print process, almost looks like a happy accident to me.

Jpg image of one of my photographs from last week. The prints did not do it justice.

Evaluation Summary:

During the past 2 weeks we were assigned the brief of capturing and presenting a final photographic image relating to our previous future memory brief. We were also taught various techniques of manually controlling our cameras and also about the technical aspects of composition. I initially found this project quite challenging but I had more ideas every day and not enough time to execute my experiments which was a problem, but the good kind. One negative aspect was the lack of working printers within our learning facility, which made the printing of test shots and final images very tedious and challenging at times. The brief showed me how much I appreciate photography without putting much thought into it initially. I was happy to present my work at the crit and believe I have improved with my analysis of other peoples work and am finding it easier to find meaning and significance within a photograph.

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