Tuesday 3 September 2013

Memory Project : 10 Items/Photographs

                                          I used to love my Uncle's old Aston Martin....

                                          Our first studio.

        The FINAL cut of my FIRST music video. Made with Akwasi in my first stint at Ravensbourne.

                                                    School days & Journal entries

                                                    Finally had enough £ to buy my own comic book..

                                                    Memories of me, my sis and our Snes.

                                          One of my proudest achievements - the mixtape.

                                           The earlier days, nothing but books full of songs.

                                               I must've read this 100 times! My favourite.

                                                    Holiday memories.

Evaluation Summary :

I was given the task of choosing 10 items/images for my own use to put into a time capsule. I enjoyed tihs task and was able to choose some items that are significant to myself, representing life milestones and also speaking of the activities and trends of my generation. I believe after 10 years each item would shed some useful information after being unearthed. I believe I have been successful so far but I am also considering only using one item for my time capsule as opposed to all 10 upon consultation with Chris. I haven't so much learned but more reinforced to myself the power of memories and the various factors that can rekindle a memory, how a photograph can instantly bring you back to that memory and so on. This task helped me to follow guidelines but at the same time showed me I can still remain personal and keep the work relatable to myself which made it a much more enjoyable assignment. I am unhappy with a few of the images I have provided, due to time constraints I was unable to capture some of these images how I would've liked to. Also, I would've liked to have had a few alternatives but unfortunately some of my dearest items couldn't be found. I didn't find this task particularly challenging as I enjoyed it too much to find it particularly gruelling. What I found more difficult was finding 10 items with a general level of relevance, I didn't want to seem as if I was just reaching for ideas to make up the numbers toward the end, this reinforces my desire to perhaps choose one item with a lot of significance instead of ten. I am happy with my planning and management of time, given the fact I was given the task with such little notice and felt under-prepared with my late enrollment. In the future I would appreciate more time and allow myself to plan in more detail so I can be more thorough with my decisions. More planning in the future can help me be more comfortable with the workload and generate the most creative ideas which generally take longer than the generic easier ones.

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