Sunday 26 January 2014

Freedom & Liberty: Part 1

Trivial yet interesting fact that the 'Land of Free' doesn't have the system best representative of freedom within their constitution.

Another fact found - shocking considering slavery was supposedly abolished between 1863-1865. A true indication of a lack of true freedom and injustice which wasn't too long ago.

Interesting video detailiing solipsism and realism - and perceptions that rule our minds.

Another video - found relevant in light of the Steven Gough Naked Rambler first document,

Father recieves five year probation for a murder of his sons' molester.

Steven Gough in the new 'Naked Rambler' documentary - before his re-incarceration.

Documentary on artist Ai Wei Wei - heavily oppressed by the Chinese Government,

Absurd UK laws that I found amusing and useful within my research.

Another absurd law- I'm unsure how this would be enforced.

This law left me bemused, and again - wondering how it could possibly be enforced.

Interim Evaluation:

We have been briefed to respond within our field(s) on the topics of freedom and liberty, specifically around what freedom means to us personally, our friends and family and then what it means on a global scale. I am enjoying this brief as it involves many factors, philosophy being one of them, After a great deal of research I have had many ideas but none that particularly struck me emotionally. During the interim crit Andrew helped me by telling me to aim for something that I personally feel about. Upon my research I concluded that I am much more aware of the lack of freedom rather than freedom itself. I have since been planning and shrinking my ideas until I got to my one key idea. I am now developing and preparing to record my sounds. I am working alone with this particular project - happily, as I can work on my own schedule and have complete creative control.

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