Thursday 2 January 2014

Collaborative Project (Film) : Part 2

Editing the short film, with Paolo and Jason in the editing suite.

Establishing controlling ideas and what they mean.

Brainstorming for controlling ideas, as prompted by Seb.

Further idea development, possibilities of genre for our controlling idea.

Further editing of our controlling idea, revised many times before the final conclusion within our group.

An image of Madonna, heavily Photoshopped with the original alongside on the left. We used this image to show general members of the public how deceptive photographic manipulation can be.

Conversation with a friend and Stylist/fashion designer, asking her our devised set of questions.   

Project Evaluation:

After initially planning on creating a documentary-style short film of peoples' opinions, ranging from practitioners, models and general members of public and also accompanied by statistics we aimed to create a no-nonsense and informative short film that shows the audience the effect that deception through digital enhancement of photographs can impact on a society, and the pressures they set for girls that feel they must live up to a standard that doesn't actually exist in reality. Creating the film was relatively painless and we spoke to a usefully vast array of people, which created a relevant and poignant insight into the average persons' mindset involving beauty. Unfortunately non of my exchanges with practitioners were on camera except one, as the others gave me their insight via email. Overall, we edited the film as a group and established location etc. I would credit the majority of the editing to Paolo. Myself an Paolo mainly developed our ideas and further revisions of our final controlling statement. I provided the camera and microphone for the group, and the sound was very clean and clear, enabling the audience to hear concise answers with no complication. Upon our crit, I was absent but was told that Seb was dissatisfied with our film, and it was seen as slap-dash and negligent for the fact that only two locations were used, and only a select few people were captured on camera compared to wide variety of people that were actually questioned on this issue. I enjoyed this process, mainly developing the idea and I always enjoy group editing, as I lack the knowledge and can articulate my wishes with someone more software-competent and ensure my input was used in the best way possible. Within this project I learned about controlling ideas and how important they are within many of the worlds' industries.

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