Sunday 23 February 2014

Film Project (Continued) : Part 3

Further trimming of audio for smooth transitions.

Starting to arrange and appropriately place sounds in order for piece.

Audio Analysis before edit.

Playback for reference, tweaking audio for smoother transition between audio clips.

The finalised correct arrangement of sounds.

Adding effect where appropriate.

Channel EQ, to create space in the mix and enhance sounds.

Enhancing low frequencies within EQ.

Reverb created during experimentation, later amended.

Further EQ, working with previous sounds.

Fading the audio clip for a smooth change between clips.

Tonal manipulation effect added on last song, creating eerie tone.

Compressing master track.

 Project Evaluation :

After my initial planning and research I finally finished my piece after many changes. I created a sound piece illustrating the change of a friendship going from positive to negative with the value obviously being friendship. The factors of change were jealousy and money. I found it difficult to illustrate such a change using such minimal dialogue, with only around 4 words being audible within the piece, none of which were particularly informative. After using my research and drawing from personal experience I was content with what I had created. I managed to finish it efficiently without too much panic although I have modified this project more than any other project I have worked on. I am dissatisfied with my lack of ability to illustrate a change to the level that we were previously shown, but mere audio without dialogue would be incredibly limiting within this feat. Andrew liked my piece during the crit but Seb differed, and suggested I attempted to take on too much within one piece. I agree with Seb and believe I could've helped myself perhaps by removing a few sounds and being more specific in my approach to this project. I am pleased however with the master that I managed to add to the piece, and it was smooth with a lot of body within, ensuring for relatively easy listening given the poor audio resources that we were left with. Overall, I enjoyed the experience but think my form has dropped since the Freedom & Liberty project where I believe I have created my best work so far.

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