Sunday 23 February 2014

Film Project (Continued) : Part 1

Old article from the mail online - found interesting as it highlights human nature and how easily people can be jealous due to insecurity or various other factors.

Article read on money & friendship - reinforced many points about the complications of money when friends are involved.

Candid examples from the same article - great read for further story generation.

Further inspiration for story development.

Exploring money when partnership is involved rather than lending.

Solutions suggested within the article - 'Say no like a man' is definitely a sentiment I would echo for somebody who is uncomfortable in such a situation.

Hearing other perspectives is useful for research, the jealous person gives a valuable insight, a change from reading about the victim of jealousy.

'Paid In Full' - The movie I am basing my Sound piece on, due to its uncompromising tale of jealousy, and the prioritization money has within society.

Another article highlighting the expectations a favour can create for the recipient.

A different article, with a more passive attitude towards lending money to a friend.

Interim Evaluation :

This week we were briefed on our new film project and told to express a huge change which unfolds within our story. As briefed by Seb we were shown in more detail about story arcs, the interchange and the need for a strong value and controlling statement. Initially I was reluctantly willing to go forward with an entire film but I was told I could create a Sound piece instead. This eased my mind as it enabled me to solely focus on what was relevant to me. My biggest task was to create an idea involving such huge change without using dialogue and using only sound. During my idea generation process I have found myself to be too pragmatic, so rather than nail down a concept and think of the practicality afterward I would tailor make my idea in regards to how the project can be created, which inhibits a large deal of creativity during the process. I have been generating numerous ideas at this point and have just recently found one that I can connect with on a personal level. For my project I aim to explore the huge change that can occur within friendships, specifically when money is involved. Through my own experiences I have seen first hand that money can distort friendships due to distrust and jealousy. I aim to illustrate this using representative sounds, I am using the movie 'Paid In Full" for inspiration and believe it is perfect for the occasion as it fits with our paranoid 'urban' community that I have grown up within. I am enjoying the process so far but am racking my brains on how to present the sounds in the best way possible without spoon-feeding the audience.

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