Wednesday 27 November 2013

Transcription Project: Week 2

Photograph taken by me - a response to the "Home Truths" photography series.

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Recording of phone alarm that I took, Fading the introductory transition.

Slicing the alarm recording and placing it into new channels, panning left and right to create disorientation - aiming to replicate the confusion when just waking up.

Bouncing the recording as a WAV - to re-import and arrange.

After Soloing each individual soundtrack I manipulate/edited each sound and bounced them as WAV format for further arrangement.

Added a Phaser effect to my "My life" Motif for my soundtrack - a great way of distinguishing from other sounds and establishing itself as the motif to the listener.

The only sound I didn't create from scratch - the fast forwarding of a VHS tape which wasn't quite what I was looking for. I had to settle.

Using volume maximiser from my Waves plugin to boost the audio of the VHS fast forward effect.

The final arrangement of my edited sounds, faded into one another after editing. The files were subsequently bounced as WAV format.

Project Evaluation:

After the previous week I was still at a crossroads when deciding how to respond to the work I saw. As everything I had seen was visual based I felt prompted to respond in a visual manner. While I was experimenting I took some photographs as a response to the "Home Truths" series that I had seen. I came across a dirty battered mattress and tattered blanket under the filth-ridden bridge in my area. I was unable to find the owner of such items but decided to take some photographs, trying to find the best angle. I believe these photos share the same uncompromising representation of the hard truth that is homelessness and wanted to capture this moment. Though I was able to respond via photography I really wanted to respond via sound, as that is what I chose for my pathway. I created a 60 second soundpiece as a response to Corinne Day's "May the circle remain unbroken" series - documentary style, intimate light hearted photos containing family and friends having fun. I aimed to replicate this in audio form and documented my day to day happenings (waking up, driving to my girlfriend's house, meeting my manager, going to the recording studio etc.) I aimed to add a comedic undertone and used a quick rhythm with my soundtrack. I used a VHS fast forward sound effect to signify transitions throughout the day. During my crit my piece recieved positive feedback from my group and also Andrew who's only criticism was that the VHS sound effect didn't sound convincing. I would also criticize that myself. Overall, I enjoyed this experience and found it beneficial to me.

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