The Linden Method book, by Charles
Linden. A great source of secondary research. I have drawn some very valuable
information about the physiological process of anxiety within the body and
has drawn me toward exploring a more scientific approach to anxiety and fear.
Scene from 'A Beautiful Mind' in
which John is obsessively writing equations on the library windows. This film
was useful for me to watch as it illustrates how your mind can create the
biggest obstacles for you, obstacles that can still be overcome.
A further interesting image that I
have found during research on fear of failure - Baring in mind sounds that
would translate easily to the audience. Erasing doubt is also a good use of
metaphor and a positive swing on my original project idea.
Studio Day 3 Evaluation:
Today I have began to read Charles Lindens' book 'The Linden Method' and have found some great excerpts that are useful for strengthening my knowledge on the bodily process involving anxiety, adrenaline and reasons for why these sensations are felt by the sufferer. This has greatly helped me conceptually, as it has created a strong preliminary idea for me at such an early stage. I will not act on this right now however, as this is my allotted research period of the project. I have also watched 'A Beautiful Mind' where the main character suffers from Paranoid Schizophrenia. Although this is not directly applicable to anxiety or the fear of failure, it is relevant in the sense that it displays how your mind can be a double-edged sword. The very thing that creates your genius can also hamper your life, this notion in particular what I wanted to express from the very beginning of my project. This week has been successful so far, with me interviewing my friend about anxiety and panic attacks. I have gathered some brilliant research. Next week I aim to gather more, both primary and secondary so I will be armed with knowledge when creation time comes.
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