FMP Final Statement:
Throughout my entire process I was faced with much adversity but managed to overcome all that was thrown at me. I enjoyed the research period, gained numerous thought processes of explanation for anxiety and fear of failure, whether it be scientific, literal or spiritual. I created many ideas, but in all honesty was unhappy with the majority of ideas I created. This may be the case with many people but I was very unhappy, perhaps this could've been changed if my research methods were different. I felt armed with knowledge and had many idea executions at my disposal, I knew HOW I would execute something more than what it was actually about with a lot of ideas. I believe this is due to my pragmatic nature. The great change I made was my idea generation phase extension, it was actually essential as I would not create a piece that I was not entirely happy with conceptually. I believe my final piece is full of layers of meaning and metaphor. I feel my story has been executed well. During my editing process I encountered the problem of my piece being 45 seconds too long and had to remove a great chunk of my sound piece before finalizing the order of all of my sounds. Overall I believe my project has been a great success. I believe it could've been better however, as there were things that could've been improved. My idea generation could've been better as could've my story development with my previous ideas. I also believe my overall audio quality could've been better. This could've been changed if I had used better equipment and had a better sense of distance management while recording. I believe I have layered, EQ'd, levelled & mixed my final piece to a high standard, but this could've been improved with better resources (a new laptop with higher capabilities when using demanding software). As previously mentioned I am very happy. Next time however I would use better equipment and brush up on my recording techniques. I am also happy with my time management within this project, as that has been a big personal issue over this course.
Monday, 19 May 2014
FMP Week 3: Studio Day 3
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Levelling and mixing tracks. |
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Removing low frequencies from footsteps |
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Compressing output track, adjusting accordingly |
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Adding gain to compensate threshold change. |
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File bounce with dialogue. |
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File bounce with no dialogue. |
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Frozen tracks to accomodate CPU overload. |
Studio Day 3 Evaluation:
Today I finally finished and submitted my final piece for my FMP. I was having many audio issues throughout the editing of this process, with my software and RAM failing me on many occasions. However I am very happy that I have finished my piece and submitted for assessment. After editing, adding effects and levelling sounds I added a compresser to have all the sounds working together, never exceeding the threshold, thus adding unity. I am very happy with my editing and what I managed to create within 2 weeks.
FMP Week 7 : Studio Day 2
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Aiming to brighten the speech within my recording. |
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Using a waves plugin Bass boost to emphasize the lower frequencies within the vocal range. |
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Adding phase distortion to my internal thought wave sound - intended to cause alarm, just as the sounds in 'The Village' |
Day 2 Evaluation:
Today I further edited my sounds for the most emphatic of effects when the audience listens to the sound piece. I tried to brighten up the recording of the vocals used as they sound rather dull due to the recording. In hinsight the sounds could've been recorded with a better digital recorder, and perhaps distant management was also an issue. I am still not completely happy with my sounds but do not have time to keep recording new ones. I still believe all of my sounds are at a good standard however, and completion nears. Tom also suggested to me that I did not need the dialogue, so I have decided to create two versions; one with and one without. I am still leaning toward the version with dialogue however.
FMP Week 7: Studio Day 1
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EQ for the room atmos. |
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Editing my hypnotist watch tick, subsequently replaced with older recording. |
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Adding further sounds to my piece, EQ tweaked within each sound. |
Studio Day 1 Evaluation:
Today I have been working hard at editing my piece, adding more sounds and tweaking each individual sound, starting with EQ. After I EQ the sounds then I choose appropriate effects for my story. After I polish all my sounds as I desire I will then arrange all sounds in time. I am enjoying the process but I am pretty stressed about creating a top quality sound piece. I am not far from completion however but refuse to rush my piece.
FMP Week 6: Studio Day 3
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Plugin experimentation - using tremolo on a track to disorientate the audience. Possibly to be used on another effect. |
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dding spreader to track, creating a fantasy-like chime within the bells used within the track |
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Adding reverb to the track to give the cave-like echo desired for my piece. |
Studio Day 3 :
Today I experimented with effects I could use to create confusion. I aim for this soundpiece to have cavern-like acoustics within a persons internal, like a mental labyrinth. I have been choosing effects where I see fit before I add all the other tracks and create my entire piece. It may be unorthodox to work backwards but I find it time efficient as I had this piece finished before I gathered all of my fresher sounds. I look forward to finishing this piece in good time during next week.
FMP Week 6: Studio Day 2
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Due to not creating the desirable sounds, I have used pre recorded sounds from my previous freedom and liberty project. |
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Another sound, edited by myself and taken from my previous freedom and liberty project |
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Exporting files as WAV, for maximum quality in new project. |
Studio Day 2 Evaluation:
Today I recorded many sounds, and re-recorded some further. To my dismay I still have some distorted audio. Fortunately, I was able to grab some sounds I recorded and edited from previous projects that worked perfectly for what I needed on this occasion. I am happy with my focus and commitment but I am anxious to deliver the best project possible.
FMP Week 5: Studio Day 3
Recording Hoover to manipulate and use within new idea fusion |
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Studio Day 3 Evaluation:
Today I created another strong idea, 'Cerebro & The Blues'. Cerebro, the cool walking and talking brain who is constantly plagued by the blues (gang of negativity). Cerebro engages in chase scenes with the blues and eventually prevails. I love this idea, its strong, has great metaphor and character use. However, I believe my strongest idea would be my decision to merge my hypnosis idea with my metamorphosis idea. I also recorded some sounds to manipulate in my editing phase for my main idea. I am happy with this extra week and I am glad I had the confidence to deviate from my original plan. As of next week I will be fully comitted to my final idea.
FMP Week 5 : Studio Day 2
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Studio Day 2 Evaluation:
Today I worked on 3 ideas. I developed my metamorphosis piece further with some editing, as well as filming some test shots for an idea I created entitled 'Paranoia'. I also created a 'Party' scene which is inspired by movie '21 Jump Street' and the most light hearted of the 3. I enjoyed working on Metamorphosis and Paranoia, being more excited with Metamorphosis as I have already gained a working stride. By my 3rd studio day I intend to make a commitment to only 1 idea but wanted to fully utilize my added idea generation week. This week is proving to me so far that I have made the right decision in extending my idea generation period within my FMP.
FMP Week 4: Studio Day 3
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Mid-shot - 'Anxious Me' seen in the background out of focus. |
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Self-medication depicted within my 'Anxious Me' experimental film. |
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Another shot from 'Anxious Me' the lack
of focus and dark background sets the cold and mysterious tone for my film.
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Studio Day 3 Evaluation:
This week I created some very strong ideas, most notably with my idea entitled 'My Bad Side/Anxious Me'. This idea was created by myself, illustrating my anxieties by using metaphor. The metaphor involved was a friend who would be barely visible in shot, as she is a figment of my mind only. The purpose she serves within the film is that of a parallel of myself and the representative of my anxiety. Within the film the shots change from myself to my 'anxious me' as she mirrors my actions. I largely try to ignore her as she mimics my moves and I cannot get rid of her. Another way she is used as a metaphor is due to my idea that anxiety is a stalker, and follows you everywhere. I filmed everything myself with a Canon 550D and recorded with my Olympus digital recorder to get my sound and atmos. I am enjoying the process further, and am reluctant to start on a final piece as I have another strong idea brewing. I believe instead of my previously planned 3 designated weeks for my final piece, I will extend my idea generation period so I can continue working and creating more compelling ideas. Not to be mistaken however, I am happy with this idea but do not wish to simply settle.
FMP Week 4: Studio Day 2
Storyboarding of my 'Anxious Me' Idea. |
Studio Day 2 Evaluation:
Today I ellaborated on 2 very strong conceptual ideas, one being the previously mentioned 'Hypnosis' therapy, one idea called 'The Anxious Me'. Depicting a metaphor for anxiety that follows me everywhere. I have gathered some film and edited together for experimental purposes but I believe I may discontinue my idea. 'The Hypnosis' idea appeals very much to me, as I would see it as a huge challenge to switch from the external to the internal of a persons struggle and draw the audience in within the process. I am happier with these newer ideas, but still need to create a good few more before I want to come to a decision. I am happy with my current work rate and my level of efficiency within my workload.
FMP Week 3: Studio Day 3
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Studio Day 3 Evaluation:
Today I brainstormed with metaphor, spawning ideas from metaphor which is a different method of idea generation for myself. I also created an idea called 'Old Wounds' based on an image that inspired me. The story involves a man's fear of failure heightened by PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and therfore failing at a job interview after entering and episode of delirium and panic. This idea is very powerful, realistic and relatable for sufferers. Although I am yet to stick to 1 idea that I can develop further I have no shortage of creativity and must trust myself to work toward the moment where I am sure I have found a strong idea that I wish to create as well as possible. I am satisfied but very dissatisfied, but perhaps I am overthinking.
FMP Week 3: Studio Day 2
Further research on Cannabis and anxiety, with a story idea spawning from it. |
Studio Day 2 Evaluation:
Today I have created further ideas, with storyboard and also a sketch for an alternate idea. Although I have been creating numerous ideas I haven't totally been happy with one in particular. I feel like I am currently creating a lot of mediocre or substandard ideas. I am grateful of the fact that time is on my side however, and I am on task in terms of my output. I just feel like I am lacking the cutting edge idea currently and will know when I have my idea. I must push on for now.
FMP Week 2: Studio Day 3
'Robot 60' with holes cut in for enhanced audibility. |
Rear base of robot, 2 speakers installed. |
'Robot 60' Created by Louis - before installation of speakers. |
Studio Day 3 Evaluation:
Today we presented our collaborative pieces. At the beginning of the week I first thought we would struggle to find common ground but after suggesting we all write our FMP concepts on a big A3 sheet of paper we soon found links and decided to create a piece on the 'Fear of the mundane'. This was a strong choice as it was relatable for all of us, as well as incorporating our FMPs together; everybody was also able to work within their respective fields and contribute to our piece overall. I believe we had the best group balance and the process was a fair one. Today we had a problem that the projector wasn't working, so unfortunately we were unable to project the girls' graphics on the background of the robot but all was not lost as they still had posters and were able to show their work on the laptop. I created a monologue & Soundpiece to accompany the robot, using my logic software after recording the Atmos individually and layering sounds together. I also created a clock noise by striking a chest of drawers with the base of a pen and manipulated it well (in my opinion) I also recorded the monologue myself after writing the script when briefed by Louis, who based the robot on a character he created for his FMP. I believe I gathered some clean recordings, but am not entirely satsified as the noise from the big room space prevented my piece from being heard and understood fully. We gained good praise and feedback from Lydia and Andrew, and I believe our group excelled very quickly and were very professional in conducting our individual roles, thus complimenting each other. This task marks a huge progress for myself, as my level of efficiency has increased hugely since the beginning of the course subsequently making me feel more comfortable working within our smallest time frame given to date. I am also keen to continue with my FMP and I am very comfortable with the research I have conducted, from primary to secondary, a plethora of books, films, articles, images and interviews to play with. I look forward to my first week of idea generation next.
FMP Week 2: Studio Day 2
Office- based phobias, created by Anissa & Robyn. |
Poster on Office-based Phobias, created by Anissa & Robyn. |
Studio Day 2 Evaluation:
Today I conducted an interview with another anxiety sufferer, a friend who believe his anxiety was triggered by long term cannabis use which would be an interesting situation to explore as it is not only relevant to my project, but to myself personally. Anissa & Kate began working on visuals to accpmpany our installation piece, which I believe were executed well. We spoke further about nailing our concept down to a singular notion, rather than the 4 different fears we initially came up with as suggested by Seb. I believe this project is getting in the way of my FMP and I feel frustrated. I have also read further for secondary resarch, with my academic A2 Psychology book to gain further scientific explanation of the bodily processes involved within anxiety. I am very much interested in internal struggle at this point, but Deepak Chopra's book also completely changed my outlook on the fear of failure and anxiety. Deepak's book is about a beings' spirituality, and how these issues are to do with the soul/spirit whereas The Linden Method and the A2 Psychology book offer you explanations through Science. I believe neither are wrong and right and both theories can exist together, this only has bolstered my knowledge and given me more options. I am eager to get this collaborative project out of the way so I can focus solely on my FMP. I have not enjoyed this week so far.
FMP Week 1: Studio Day 3
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Studio Day 3 Evaluation:
Today I have began to read Charles Lindens' book 'The Linden Method' and have found some great excerpts that are useful for strengthening my knowledge on the bodily process involving anxiety, adrenaline and reasons for why these sensations are felt by the sufferer. This has greatly helped me conceptually, as it has created a strong preliminary idea for me at such an early stage. I will not act on this right now however, as this is my allotted research period of the project. I have also watched 'A Beautiful Mind' where the main character suffers from Paranoid Schizophrenia. Although this is not directly applicable to anxiety or the fear of failure, it is relevant in the sense that it displays how your mind can be a double-edged sword. The very thing that creates your genius can also hamper your life, this notion in particular what I wanted to express from the very beginning of my project. This week has been successful so far, with me interviewing my friend about anxiety and panic attacks. I have gathered some brilliant research. Next week I aim to gather more, both primary and secondary so I will be armed with knowledge when creation time comes.
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