Sunday 13 April 2014

FMP Week 2 : Studio Day 1

Relevant piece - secondary research for FMP.

Further relevant explanation of anxiety and self doubt - secondary research for FMP.

Scene from 'The Village' - watched for secondary research.

Studio Day 1:

This week is the 2nd allocated week of my research for my Final Major Project. I arranged further Primary research by interviewing my father, a councilor and thought it would be important to gain a professional perspective on anxiety & fear of failure and any contributing factors substances would have in these feelings. I also conducted further secondary research by reading Deepak Chopra's 'Self Power' book and found some useful information that I feel is relevant to my areas of study. I also watched some further films for secondary research, including 'The Village' and have many preliminary ideas flowing that I am eager to expand on in my upcoming idea generation week. We also were tasked with group work today, to create a piece/sculpture/installation due for Friday collaborating with one member from Media Production and 2 students from graphics. I am extremely annoyed at this task as I feel it is throwing me off and limiting the amount of research I can conduct. I believe our entire group sees this project as unnecessary but I still believe we have created a base conceptually that we can all expand on. Tomorrow I will record and start editing sounds, holding my end of the bargain and creating a sound piece depicting the fear of the mundane. This is partially relevant to my FMP and thus useful in the sense where I can use this as a practice exercise. I am enjoying the inspiration given to me by films and I am constantly seeing different ways in which fear can be portrayed as well as the different types. To me, 'The Village' expresses the fear of the unknown. Within sound I found the film useful as I was analytical about how suspense and tension was created through sound, the particular sounds, the pace and the spacing used.

Monday 7 April 2014

FMP Week 1 : Studio Day 1

The Anxiety Arts Festival London 2014 - Would've been perfect for primary research had it not been scheduled to commence in June 2014.

'Anxiety' - by Ida Vaag. Poignant visual depiction of anxiety, has given me some preliminary ideas that I will note down and expand on in my idea generation phase.

'Anxiety Girl!' a more lighthearted but still factual look at the issue of anxiety, given me an idea and shown me a more humorous side of tackling the issue. This has given me the idea to possibly create a character, rather than focusing on story when responding with my final piece.

Studio Day 1 Evaluation:

My Final Major Project is entitled 'The Fear Of Failure Will Make You Fail' and is intended to explore the many ways fear and anxiety inhibit people from fulfilling their true potential. Today I predominantly conducted secondary research online on various concepts; the fear of failure, anxiety, performance anxiety and a few factors that contribute to anxiety in peoples' daily lives. I have gathered some great books for secondary research and I am arranging some interviews for primary research within this week and the next. I have found some interesting images online thus far that have given me preliminary ideas and introduced me to different ways of portrayal through metaphor i.e 'Anxiety Girl' (above). I aim to strengthen my conceptual and scientific knowledge on all things neurotic in order to bolster my Arsenal of options when my final piece is created. So far I have  taken today at a fairly leisurely pace and must trust myself and not fall into the habit of pragmatism that has been pointed out to me by Tom and Seb.